Critical Muslim 55


Edited by
September 2025 9781805264354 288 pp
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Only about a century old, fascism—bogeyman of ideologies—has been both over- and under-attributed to various political phenomena. While the baseline cases of Hitler’s Germany and Mussolini’s Italy are generally agreed upon, once these two forces were defeated, it was nigh impossible to believe that such a compulsion would ever return in a more enlightened future—let alone be ushered in by the children of those who defeated the fascist regimes. Today, card-carrying fascist forces grab ever more political power across the US and Europe, even in the European Parliament itself, and around the globe. Yet, while there’s a reason for Godwin’s Law—the longer an online conversation continues, the more likely someone is to invoke Hitler and the Nazis—we must find ways to discern the fascist wheat from the garden-variety nationalist chaff. This issue looks at today’s tidal wave, and asks how to ensure that such forces are not allowed to tear the world asunder once more.

About Critical Muslim: A quarterly publication of ideas and issues showcasing groundbreaking thinking on Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in a rapidly changing, interconnected world. Each edition centres on a discrete theme, and contributions include reportage, academic analysis, cultural commentary, photography, poetry, and book reviews.


Ziauddin Sardar is an award-winning, internationally renowned writer, futurist and cultural critic. His many books include Three Begums; Reading the Qur’an and A Person of Pakistani Origins (all published by Hurst); Mecca: The Sacred City; and Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim. A former New Statesman columnist and UK equality and human rights commissioner, he is Editor of the influential quarterly Critical Muslim.

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