Central Europe

The Death of a Civilization and the Life of an Idea

August 2025 9781911723981 344 pp
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What is ‘Central Europe’? Where do its borders lie? Does it even exist? Attempts to define it usually yield more questions than answers. But perhaps the wrong questions are being asked.

Luka Ivan Jukic disentangles the enigma of Central Europe through its history of birth, death and rebirth. Countries like Poland, Croatia and even Ukraine proudly proclaim themselves part of this region, and so part of Western civilisation. But the term originally described an unrecognisably different world—one formed in the eighteenth century by the unique inheritance of the House of Habsburg across a decentralised Germany and a sprawling Danubian realm; by the rise of standard High German; and by an intermediate position within a continent defined by the ‘advanced West’ and ‘backwards East’.

Amid the displacement and destruction of the world wars and their aftermath, this extraordinary civilisation was shattered, reduced to the frontline of a global Cold War. Its unexpected reincarnation in the 1980s, as an ideological antidote to the Soviet East, spawned myths and polemics, but little clarity. Yet ‘Central Europe’ still seems to feature in every crisis today, from Russian aggression to European disunity. Why does it remain such a powerful political idea in our times?


Luka Ivan Jukic is a journalist and historian based in London. His work has appeared in The Atlantic, the Financial Times, New Lines Magazine, Engelsberg Ideas, Foreign Policy, History Today, and other publications.

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