Critical Muslim | 22
Critical Muslim is a quarterly magazine of ideas and issues showcasing ground breaking thinking on Islam and what it means to be a Muslim in a rapidly changing, interconnected world.
Hassan Mahamdallie gets spiritual in a commune; Marco Lauri visits Ibn Tufayl’s twelfth-century island utopia Hayy Ibn Yaqdan; Malise Ruthven interrogates modernity and Islamic utopias, Nazry Bahrawi is sceptical about secular utopias; and Sadek Hamid traces the rise and fall of the utopian vision of Hizb-ut-Tahrir.
Also in this issue: orientalist utopias in Andalusia, feminist futures, and was the Prophet’s Medina a utopia? Not forgetting poems, short stories, the Last Word and the List.

Ziauddin Sardar is an award-winning, internationally renowned writer, futurist and cultural critic. His many books include Three Begums; Reading the Qur’an and A Person of Pakistani Origins (all published by Hurst); Mecca: The Sacred City; and Desperately Seeking Paradise: Journeys of a Sceptical Muslim. A former New Statesman columnist and UK equality and human rights commissioner, he is Editor of the influential quarterly Critical Muslim.