Who Will Defend Europe? book launch
King's College London
Join Keir Giles for the launch of his book ‘Who Will Defend Europe?’, an urgent, vital look at the stark choices facing leaders and societies as they confront the return of war in Europe.
Join Keir Giles for the launch of his book ‘Who Will Defend Europe?’, an urgent, vital look at the stark choices facing leaders and societies as they confront the return of war in Europe.
Pierre Hazan will share insights from his recent book ‘Negotiating with the Devil’ to provide insider reflections on the political and ethical “red lines” that shape talks with armed interlocutors, be they states or insurgents.
Join us at the Common Press to welcome Samia Rahman and Leyla Jagiella for an in-conversation event to celebrate the release of Samia’s new book, ‘Muslim Women and Misogyny: Myths and Misunderstandings’.
Join Priya Atwal, author of ‘Royals and Rebels’, Shalina Patel and Janina Ramirez, as they tell the stories of fascinating figures hidden from history.
Join Nabila Ramdani at the Dolphin Square Book Club in Pimlico, London, for a discussion of her new book, ‘Fixing France’, in light of the post-Olympic buzz and President Macron’s new government announcement.
Join Samia Rahman as she discusses her new book ‘Muslim Women and Misogyny’, a courageous exploration of Islamophobia, patriarchy and identity, debunking lazy stereotypes.
No Alibis Bookstore is hosting an evening with Kieran Connell and Maurice J. Casey to celebrate the launch of their new books.
Join the Policy Institute and the Fairness Foundation for the next event in their Fair Society series, where Danny Dorling will analyse the welfare of the nation’s youth with an expert panel.
Join Blackwell’s Oxford for an event with British social geographer Danny Dorling. He’ll be discussing his fascinating and unique new book, ‘Seven Children: Inequality and Britain’s Next Generation’.
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