The Decline and Fall of Republican Afghanistan
A searing indictment of how Afghan elites and the Western powers pulled the rug on the Afghan people, abandoning them to their fate.
The Taliban’s takeover of Afghanistan in 2021 was the result of declining active support for the government, and of waste and inefficiency in aid delivery. Yet, while corrosive, these problems were not in themselves sufficient to have brought about a collapse. To a significant degree, they were the result of early failings in institutional design, reflecting an American inclination to pursue short-term policy approaches that created perverse incentives—thus interfering with the long-term objective of stability.
This book exposes the true factors underpinning Kabul’s fall. The Afghan Republic came under relentless attack from Taliban insurgents who depended critically on Pakistani support. It also suffered a creeping invasion that put the government on the back foot as the US tried and failed to deal with Pakistan’s perfidy. The fatal blow came when bored US leaders naively cut an exit deal with the enemy, fatally compromising the operation of the Afghan army and air force and triggering the final collapse, with top leaders at odds over whether to make a final stand in Kabul.
The Afghan Republic did not simply decline and fall. It was betrayed.
‘A well-written publication that will contribute to the ongoing and necessary debate about the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban and the current situation in the country.’ — Informed Comment
‘Authoritative and uniquely incisive, this book is a valuable read for the guard getting older and for newcomers to the community of practice.’ — Parameters
‘The most comprehensive analysis of the various drivers of the fall [of Republican Afghanistan] to date.’ — Journal of Islamic Studies
‘No telling offers greater in-depth analysis or a more comprehensive, learned discussion of the factors contributing to the republic’s decline and fall.’ — The Middle East Journal
‘This detailed account of the decisions and misjudgements that led to the fall of the Republic and the Taliban’s return to power is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand why the twenty-year campaign ended this way.’ — Sir Laurie Bristow, British Ambassador to Afghanistan 2021
‘A brilliant account by two of the most experienced, informed and insightful observers of Afghanistan, this is a must-read for anyone who wants to know how a twenty-year effort that started so confidently came to such a calamitous end.’ — David Kilcullen, co-author of The Ledger: Accounting for Failure in Afghanistan
‘A definitive account, including mistakes of US diplomacy that contributed to the debacle, which will be invaluable for policymakers seeking to make sense of the disaster and learn lessons for the future.’ — Lisa Curtis, Director of the Indo-Pacific Security Program, Center for a New American Security
‘A brilliant analysis of everything that went wrong in Afghanistan’s post-9/11 journey from darkness to light and back to darkness, exploring Pakistani duplicity as well as failures in Afghan political leadership and US diplomacy. Sobering, chilling and compelling reading.’ — Gareth Evans, former Australian Foreign Minister and President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group
‘An exceptional scholarly work, offering eye-opening insight into the strategic and military failure of the US and allies’ intervention.’ — Timor Sharan, author of Inside Afghanistan
‘Distinguishing between the gradual weakening, and the sudden collapse of the Republic of Afghanistan, this is a must-read. Jamal and Maley are uniquely well-informed, engage interestingly with relevant theory, and are unmistakably critical of those who have advocated peace with the Taliban.’ — Kristian Berg Harpviken, Research Professor, Peace Research Institute Oslo
‘This is the most comprehensive account written so far of Afghanistan’s twenty years as a Republic, beginning with the US intervention after 9/11 and ending with the Taliban’s return to power. The authors explain events in the context of Afghan society and politics, and spare none for their mistakes: the US for ignoring ground realities, Pakistan for supporting the Taliban resurgence, and Afghan leaders for not putting country above self, clan, or faction. An illuminating book.’ — Husain Haqqani, former ambassador of Pakistan to the United States, and author of Magnificent Delusions: Pakistan, the United States, and an Epic History of Misunderstanding

Ahmad Shuja Jamal is a lawyer, policy researcher and former Afghan senior civil servant. He was director-general for international relations and regional cooperation at Kabul’s National Security Council (2019–21), where he also served as director for peace and civilian protection. Formerly a researcher for Human Rights Watch, he was also director for development at the American University of Afghanistan. After leaving Afghanistan, he was head of policy, advocacy and communications at the Jesuit Refugee Service (Australia) and a special advisor at the Refugee Council of Australia, and is currently a lawyer at a top-tier Australian firm.

William Maley is Emeritus Professor of Diplomacy at Australian National University, and the author of many books on Afghan politics and history.