African Arguments

African Arguments is a series of books about contemporary Africa and the critical issues and debates surrounding the continent. The books are scholarly and engaged, substantive and topical. They focus on questions of justice, rights and citizenship; politics, protests and revolutions; the environment, land, oil and other resources; health and disease; economy: growth, aid, taxation, debt; and both Africa’s international relations and country case studies.

The series is published in paperback and ebook at first impression and all efforts are made to ensure affordability and availability on the African continent, whether through co-publishing, distribution or discounted orders. The editors welcome proposals for books of around 50–80,000 words.

The International African Institute, hosted at SOAS University of London, promotes scholarly understanding of Africa, primarily through a publication programme, including the journals Africa, Africa Bibliography and the Journal of African Cultural Studies, and various book series. It publishes the blog African Arguments – Debating Ideas in association with the book series.

Managing Editor:
Stephanie Kitchen

Series editors:
Adam Branch
Eyob Balcha Gebremariam
Ebenezer Obadare
Portia Roelofs
Jon Schubert
Nicholas Westcott
Nanjala Nyabola
Rachel Ibreck